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Form Updates

July 1, 2024

RW1103 Petition for Administration of a Small Estate - edits to remove dated information and include information about registered domestic partners.
RW1112 Petition for Administration of a Regular Estate - edits to remove dated information and include information about registered domestic partners.
RW1135 Petition for Administration of a Will of No Estate - edits to remove dated information and include information about registered domestic partners.
RW1147 Petition for Limited Orders - edits to remove dated information and include information about registered domestic partners.
RW1104 List of Interested Persons - edits to include information about registered domestic partners.

All new estate packets updated to reflect changes in the above forms.

July 1, 2023

RW1138 Consent to Compensation for Personal Representative and/or Attorney - Updated language in middle section
RW1153 Affidavit of Attempt to Comply with Federal, State, and Local Laws Related to Firearms, Ammunition, and Destructive Devices - New form

IMPORTANT: Effective July 1, 2023, form RW1153 is REQUIRED when filing a Schedule B, a Final Report Under Modified Administration, an Interim Account, or a Final Account that reports the disposition of Firearms, Ammunition, or Destructive Devices.

July 1, 2021

RW1109 Small Estate Notice of Appointment
Notice to Creditors Notice to Unknown Heirs - Removed language from section (1)
RW1114 Notice of Appointment Notice to Creditors Notice to Unknown Heirs - Removed language from section (1)
RW1134 Notice to Creditors of Appointment of Foreign Personal Representative - Removed language from section (1)
RW1127 Notice of Extension of Time to Elect Statutory Share - Updated
RW1129 Notice of Disallowance - Updated
RW1138 Consent to Compensation for Personal Representative and/or Attorney - Updated

October 1, 2020

RW1126 Election to Take Elective Share of Estate - Changed heading to Elective Share of Estate, updated language and added Surviving Spouse section
RW1243 Petition to Distribute Subsequently Discovered Check - New Form

October 1, 2019

RW1220 Request for Waiver of Fees - New Form
Administration Booklet - Distribution of net estate update

April 2018

RW1342 Annual Report of Guardian of the Person - Updated New Form
RW1138 Consent to Compensation for Personal Representative and/or Attorney - corrected spelling error

January 2018

RW1313 Petition for Guardianship - Updated New Form

October 2017

RW1285 Certificate of Service - added

April 2017

RW1131 Notice to Caveat - Added the words or both in several locations on the form
RW1132 Public Notice of Caveat - Added the words will dated and or both
RW1138 Consent to Compensation for Personal Representative and/or Attorney - Updated the language per Rule 6-416 changes
RW1149 Limited Order to Locate Will - Added the words and pursuant to Rule 6-122 (d)
RW1150 Limited Order to Locate Assets - Added the words and pursuant to Rule 6-122 (c)

December 2016

RW 1313 Petition for Guardianship - Updated form
RW 1318 Guardianship Inventory & Information Report - Updated Form
RW 1320 Guardianship Account - Updated Form
RW 1321 Petition for Termination of Guardianship - Updated Form

September 2016

Updated Small Estate Packet - Waiver of Bond: the PR field was changed from a date field to a text field.
Sample Account - Updated with new law changes.

March 2016

Sample Account
Maryland Estate Tax Pamphlet

January 2016 (updated forms posted February 8, 2016): Unless otherwise noted, the form had language changes and/or addition of fax & email fields.

RW1101 - Waiver Of Notice
RW1102 - Proof Of Execution Of Will
RW1103 - Petition for Administration of a Small Estate
RW1104 - List Of Interested Persons
RW1105 - Consent to Appointment of Personal Representative of Small Estate (form discontinued - use 1118)
RW1106 - Appointment of Resident Agent
RW1112 - Petition for Administration of Regular Estate
RW1117 - Waiver Of Bond
RW1118 - Consent to Appointment of Personal Representative
RW1121 - Personal Representative's Acceptance & Consent
RW1122 - Inventory Summary
RW1124 - Information Report
RW1125 - Application to Fix Inheritance Tax On Non-Probate Assets
RW1126 - Election To Take Statutory Share Of Estate
RW1128 - Claim Against Decedent's Estate
RW1129 - Notice of Disallowance
RW1130 - Petition and Order for Funeral Expenses
RW1133 - Application by Foreign Personal Representative To Set Inheritance Tax
RW1135 - Petition for Administration of a Will of No Estate
RW1137 - Small Estate Schedule B
RW1138 - Consent to Compensation for Personal Representative and/or Attorney
RW1141 - Election Of Personal Representative for Modified Administration
RW1142 - Consent To Election for Modified Administration
RW1143 - Final Report Under Modified Administration
RW1144 - Certificate of Service of Final Report Under Modified Administration
RW1147 - Petition for Limited Orders
RW1148 - Schedule C Request for Limited Order
RW1149 - Limited Order to Locate Will
RW1151 - Affidavit of Attempts to Contact, Locate, Identify (new form)
RW1152 - Request For & Consent To Further Extend Time To File A Final Report And To Make Distribution In A Modified Estate (new form)
RW1429 - Consent to Probate of Copy of Executed Last Will and Testament
RW1430 - Petition For Admission of Copy of Executed Will (new form)
  Modified Administration Packet
  Regular Estate Packet
  Small Estate Packet
  Limited Order Packet
  Foreign Proceedings Packet

June 2015

Modified Administration Packet - Added the word appointment to the end of item #5 on the consent form.

July 2014

RW1140 - Corrected a spelling error on page 2 instructions in Section 1, changed filed to filled.

June 2014

Regular Estate Packet - Fixed an issue with the date of death and the waiver of notice certificate of service date using the same fields.

January 2014

RW1128 - Included date of death field for decedent.
RW1319 - Increased the value from $75,000 per account to $200,000.
RW1144 - Fixed the City, State, Zip address field to not duplicate in the telephone field

September 10, 2013

Small Estate Packet - Updated RW1109 form in the packet to fix the newspaper and published date fields. Added petitioner fields in the RW1104 form.

August 2, 2013

RW1103 - Modifications to petition for new changes for May 1, 2013. Changes to questions 5,6,7 and 8 and added question 9 and 10. You can now select one of the first four options in question 8 and the additional relief option. Added fax and email fields for the attorney. Removed the note field from Schedule B which is now on the first page of the Petition and updated the language. Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement.
RW1112 - Modifications to petition for new changes for May 1, 2013. Changes to questions 5,6,7 and 8 and added question 9 and 10. You can now select one of the first four options in question 8 and the additional relief option. Added fax and email fields for the attorney. Added Note field under estate type selections . Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement and removed this language from Schedule A and added fax and email fields for the attorney.
RW1135 - Modifications to petition for new changes for May 1, 2013. Changes to questions 5,6,7 and 8 and added question 9 and 10. You can now select one of the first four options in question 8 and the additional relief option. Added fax and email fields for the attorney. Added Note field under estate type selections . Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement.
RW1136 - Removed the penalties and perjury statement and added fax and email fields for the attorney.
RW1137 - Removed the note field from Schedule B which is now on the first page of the Petitions and updated the language. Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement. Added new fields for fax and email for the attorney.
RW1147 - Modifications to petition for new changes for May 1, 2013. Changes to questions 5,6,7 and 8 and added question 9 and 10. You can now select one of the first four options in question 8 and the additional relief option. Added fax and email fields for the attorney. Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement on Schedule C and added fax and email fields for attorney.
RW1148 - Changed schedule to document in the penalties and perjury statement. on Schedule C and added fax and email fields for attorney.
Regular Estate Packet - Updated packets to include the new changes.
Small Estate Packet - Updated packets to include the new changes.
Limited Order Packet - Updated packets to include the new changes.

October 3, 2012

RW1101 - Fixed an issue with the date near the signature line (added a button to put in current date). Added save and print buttons.
RW1103 - Updated to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012.
RW1104 - Added three lines to fill in the PR name under the signature lines.
RW1109 - Added a message box to show users how to get the lines to print for the personal representatives. Added save and print buttons.
RW1112 - Updated to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012.
RW1114 - Added a message box to show users how to get the lines to print for the personal representatives. Added save and print buttons.
RW1122 - Added a field at the top for Amended or Supplemental to be entered. Corrected math issues. Added Schedule (form RW1123).
RW1123 - Added fields to make it easier to complete line items on the form. Added save and print buttons.
RW1135 - Updated to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012.
RW1147 - Updated to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012.
Regular Estate Packet - Updated forms to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012. Added save and print buttons.
Small Estate Packet - Updated forms to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012. Added Waiver of Bond (form RW1117).
Limited Order Packet - Updated forms to reflect new values for date of death after October 1, 2012.