Register of Wills for Harford County
The Honorable Derek K. Hopkins, Register
Contact Us
Address Mutual Fire Insurance Building18 Office Street
1st Floor
Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Operating Hours8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Our cash registers close at 4:00pmWe are closed weekends and State Holidays
Main Number
Toll Free Number
Fax Number
Email Us
Please note that we cannot accept filings through email.
Important Information
The Harford County Register of Wills will be open by appointment only on a limited basis.
Please note the following:
- Please call our office for assistance instead of visiting the courthouse. Most needs can be fulfilled by phone, email, mail, or through our online services.
- Estate filings can be mailed or dropped off. We have a locked drop box in our lobby at 18 Office Street.
- Please be aware that, unless there is an emergency, the law does not require you to open an estate within a set timeframe after someone passes away. Unless there is a pressing concern, you may wait several weeks or longer before opening the estate for your loved one. Please contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with the necessary forms.
Before submitting your paperwork, please ensure you fill out the appropriate checklist and follow the instructions contained within:
- Small Estate Checklist
- Regular Estate Checklist
(Estates over $50,000)
Our new location is on the first floor of the Mutual Fire Insurance Building which is located at 18 Office Street in Bel Air.
Other Important Numbers | |
Comptroller of Maryland: Maryland Estate Tax Division |
410-260-7850 |
Comptroller of Maryland: Unclaimed Property Division |
410-767-1700 |
Internal Revenue Service | 800-829-1040 |
Legal Aid Bureau | 800-999-8904 |
Maryland State Bar Association | 800-492-1964 |
Motor Vehicle Administration | 800-950-1682 |
Social Security Administration | 800-772-1213 |
Vital Statistics Administration (provides copies of death certificates) |
877-463-3464 |
Volunteer Lawyers Service | 800-510-0050 |

- Comptroller of MD - Estate Taxes
- Comptroller of MD - Unclaimed Property
- Death Certificates
- Kelley Blue Book
- IRS - Apply for EIN
- MD Attorney General - Protecting Seniors
- People's Law Library
- Real Property Search
- Social Security
- State Bar Assn.
- Volunteer Lawyers Service
For A Historical List Of Harford County
Registers Of Wills
(MD State Archives Link)
Click Here