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To open a new estate, please call our office at (410) 887-6680 before coming in to ensure you have all the required documents to open a new estate.

Register of Wills for Baltimore County

The Honorable Alexis Burrell-Rohde, Register

Contact Us

Address County Courts Building
401 Bosley Avenue
Room 500
Towson, Maryland 21204
Operating Hours8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday
No Walk-In Customers after 3:30pmWe are closed weekends and State Holidays
Main Number
Toll Free Number
Fax Number
Email Us

Please note that we cannot accept filings through email.

Important Information

BEFORE YOU VISIT: We strongly encourage you to call the office. We will walk you through our procedures and make sure you are aware of all the required documents we’ll need to help you. Also, a courthouse drop box is available to customers submitting paperwork.

DROP BOX DEPOSITS: Last pickup is 3:30 p.m. Items deposited in this drop box after 3:30 p.m. will be date stamped as received the next business day. If you are delivering time-sensitive items after 3:30 p.m., please hand delivery them to the Register of Wills Office located on the 5th floor, suite 500.

REQUESTS FOR COPIES: The office encourages customers to request copies of documents using our online system or by telephone.

FILING WILLS: If you have a Last Will and Testament you wish to file for safekeeping, the office encourages you mail the original will via certified mail to us along with the filing fee of $5. Please include the last four numbers of your social security number so that we can properly index the Will.


HEALTH AND SECURITY SAFEGUARDS:Wearing masks while in the courthouse is encouraged but not required.  All visitors will need to pass through security scanners at the entrances to the courthouse.

HANDICAPPED ACCESS: Customers requiring handicapped access to the courthouse should enter by the ramp on the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the building. There is handicapped metered parking on both Pennsylvania and Baltimore Avenues.

CLOSINGS: We are closed on weekends, state holidays, and sometimes due to inclement weather.

  • In the event of inclement weather, the Register of Wills Office will be closed if the Baltimore County Circuit Court is closed. Watch WBAL TV 11 for details.


Other Important Numbers
Baltimore County Bar Association 410-337-9103
Baltimore County Courts Information 410-887-3100
Baltimore County Land Records 410-887-2650
Baltimore County Orphans' Court 410-887-6516
Baltimore County Trust Clerk 410-887-3469
Comptroller of Maryland:
Maryland Estate Tax Division
Comptroller of Maryland:
Unclaimed Property Division
Internal Revenue Service 800-829-1040
Lawyer Referral 410-337-9100
Legal Aid Bureau 800-999-8904
Maryland State Bar Association 800-492-1964
Motor Vehicle Administration 800-950-1682
Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
Vital Statistics Administration
(provides copies of death certificates)
Volunteer Lawyers Service 800-510-0050



For A Historical List Of Baltimore County
Registers Of Wills
(MD State Archives Link)
Click Here